Monday, October 21, 2013

Temple Stay at Shebaoshan

Shebaoshan is a small Bai(ethnic Chinese minority) village situated on the side of a mountain. The air, I feel, is much heavier and we all get tired pretty easily if we physically exert ourselves for too long. Every day, the crepuscular clouds cover part of the mountains to form an Arcadian landscape unlike any I’ve yet to see. As the day goes on, the mountain comes alive with the incessant howling of the thief monkeys who stole our grapes. Their howls seem to attrite the clouds, driving them away gradually, and call forth the sun. The giant incense burners are lit to pay tribute to the Buddha ensconced at the side of the mountain and the temple doors open to welcome the devoted. 
In the coming days, a GeHui(music festival) will be held and travelers from around Yunnan will come to see the performances. When night falls, the temple fills with random people dancing and singing. On a couple of occasions, they even taught us their dances and we were able to join in. In one instance, we were even shooed downstairs by the temple owners who were afraid we would break the second floor with our dancing and our jumping. At Shebaoshan, barely anyone speaks Mandarin yet as evinced by our ability to partake in their fun, it really doesn’t matter.

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